
Showing posts from March, 2019

Artist Responses

I have started to create pieces for the response of my artist. I have also done some sketches on 1920s style fashion and dresses and then started to think of a colour palette also for the project. I have done a few paintings with acrylic paint which relate to the religious artwork from my research and I have also borrowed a fashion illustration book and traced some of the silhouettes that are in the style of 1920s fashion. I have also started to create some surface patterns from the paintings and drawings.


For one part of my research I have chosen Michelangelo because he is one of the most famous religious artists, I think that his work will really inspire me in my final major project. I have also chosen to research Leonardo da Vinci because his artwork is heavily inspired by religion and is in a similar art style as Michelangelo which is a style that I like. I have chosen Raphael because he uses very angelic colours that work well and that is something that I would love to include into my work. I have chosen to talk about the met gala 2018 because the theme was Catholicism and heavenly bodies and it shows religious designs in fashion which is what I'm doing so it gives me some ideas for my own fashion piece. I have chosen El Greco because he also works in a similar style as Michelangelo and da Vinci however he uses more darker colours and highlights the more darker side of religion rather than the heavenly side. For a smaller artist I have chosen to research B

Project Proposal

From the 7 units that I have now completed I have learnt a number of things that will benefit me on this final major project. One of these things that I have learnt is time management, I have learnt that I need to allocate myself time slots to complete tasks and to move on when the time has finished and then leave myself some time at the end of the project to finish off incomplete tasks. This would help me to not stress and worry about unfinished things and will not make me waste time finishing something off rather than starting the new task. I think this is one of the most important thing I have learnt because it makes sure that everything is completed and nothing will be left out. Moving on into this next project I will keep this information in my mind to make this project successful and move smoothly, saving myself the stress and worry. For the final major project I am hoping to create a fashion piece. My piece will be inspired by religion, I will research artists that hav