
For one part of my research I have chosen Michelangelo because he is one of the most famous religious artists, I think that his work will really inspire me in my final major project.

I have also chosen to research Leonardo da Vinci because his artwork is heavily inspired by religion and is in a similar art style as Michelangelo which is a style that I like.
I have chosen Raphael because he uses very angelic colours that work well and that is something that I would love to include into my work.
I have chosen to talk about the met gala 2018 because the theme was Catholicism and heavenly bodies and it shows religious designs in fashion which is what I'm doing so it gives me some ideas for my own fashion piece.
I have chosen El Greco because he also works in a similar style as Michelangelo and da Vinci however he uses more darker colours and highlights the more darker side of religion rather than the heavenly side.
For a smaller artist I have chosen to research Bisaromosaici because I enjoyed their creative take on religious art and I emailed them to ask them a few questions to extend my research and get some inspiration and get a few question answered to help me grow and develop through this project.


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