Project Proposal

From the 7 units that I have now completed I have learnt a number of things that will benefit me on this final major project. One of these things that I have learnt is time management, I have learnt that I need to allocate myself time slots to complete tasks and to move on when the time has finished and then leave myself some time at the end of the project to finish off incomplete tasks. This would help me to not stress and worry about unfinished things and will not make me waste time finishing something off rather than starting the new task. I think this is one of the most important thing I have learnt because it makes sure that everything is completed and nothing will be left out.

Moving on into this next project I will keep this information in my mind to make this project successful and move smoothly, saving myself the stress and worry.
For the final major project I am hoping to create a fashion piece. My piece will be inspired by religion, I will research artists that have been inspired by religion and use them as inspiration for my own design. I will then hope to create a fashion garment in the style of a 1920s dress. I will hope to create a surface pattern/ art piece to print onto the fabric of the dress and then have the dress in the style of a 1920s ‘flapper’ dress. This will join together 2 elements and make a creative garment. For my research I will look at historical artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael who have been famously known to have created infamous religious pieces of art and also little known smaller artists who are also working in inspiration of religion. I will do this by looking on the internet and also in books to get information and images. I will also do some primary research in which I will visit art galleries and churches to see art in real life. Visiting a church will give me an up close look of the art, on the walls, stained glass windows, etc. I will also do some research on fashion in the 1920s and will see the structure and designs of dresses from that time. This will help me to come up with a silhouette of a garment.  

To reflect on my work I will keep a bibliography and also keep a blog to keep up to date on my work and to record my development and where my work is going. At the end of the project then you will be able to see how my ideas have changed and how I have worked my way through the project.


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