
Showing posts from May, 2019

Surface Pattern

This is the surface pattern that I have made which I am going to transfer onto my fabric using screen printing.

Retail Report

Since I am doing a tassel dress for my final piece I decided to look on online shopping websites and find some dresses that look similar to the style I am going for. First I looked at Pretty Little Thing and found this. I really like this dress because it layers the tassels which is something that I want to do, however the fit of the dress at the top isn't the same style that I am going for. Also I will change up the colour since I am not going for black. I then found this dress on boohoo and although this is black I really liked the way the top half of the dress looked and shape of the straps, this is a more similar way in which I am intending my dress to go. I like this one more because it follows the shape in which I am going for. I also like how the tassels are layered and this is which I am also aiming for in my work.

How I will make the rhinestone straps

I will buy some normal strap bands and then I will a strip of rhinestones. I will then sew the rhinestones onto the band. I will then attach this to the dress.


I have made some samples already. When I first decided to go in the direction of religion I did a few initial samples that I thought related to religion so I did some different drawing of angels, I did a painted one and a traced on then I also did a traced one and added paint. I did all of these in using an orange/yellow colour pallet. I then scanned these into the computer and also did some edits from these and then used these as samples just to experiment. After I did all of my artist research I then did some samples of Raphael's work, I did a drawing inspired by one of Raphael's paintings. I then also scanned these into the computer and did some edits with this and used them as samples aswell.