
Showing posts from April, 2019

How I Will Include My Artists In My Work

In my project Michelangelo's and Raphael's work will inspire me because the colours that they use in their work is what I am working towards, they have both used similar colours and similar techniques which I want to use also. I think that they also have gone for a very angelic, heavenly vibe that I would like to envision in my own work. Also I think that El Greco's work will help me in my own because his paintings look very realistic and are mostly portraits and of people. I think this will help me in my own work because it will help me to know how to draw and paint people and figures. Although I am looking to painting human figures I don't think that anything else from El Grecos work will help me as I am not inspired by the colours used, although I do enjoy the colours used I do not want to take this into my own work. Lastly I think that Leonardo's work will help me in my own because he also draws human figures however the figures look more angelic and the colou

Artist Research Boards

For the artists that I have looked at, Raphael, Michelangelo, El Greco and Leonardo da Vinci, I have created an artist board for each. On these I have added information and their images, I have also added my own samples of work inspired by theirs.

Manchester Art Gallery

On Tuesday I went to Manchester art gallery, here I saw many pieces of artwork and many related to my work. I saw many pieces of art that were inspired by religion and a lot were similar to Michelangelo and Raphael. These pieces of art were all in an old fashioned, watercolor style painting. I really liked this because it related to my research and also what I want to create for my final piece. I also saw some artwork that looked to be inspired by a vintage type of fashion and also what I would love to create for my final piece. The colours in this piece also fit the colour scheme I am doing and it was also painted in a oil pastel, watercolor type way which is what i like.